This series unpacks the true meaning of the Sabbath as revealed in the Bible. More than a day the children of Israel were to observe, the reality of the Sabbath is a wonderful Person, Jesus Christ, and the church, His Body.
God rests, but not according to our natural concept of rest. When God rests, it means that He is satisfied. When God created man on day six of the earth’s restoration, He was satisfied to the uttermost and thus could rest in what He had gained for Himself.
God’s ultimate goal for the children of Israel in the Old Testament was to enter into the rest that awaited them in the land of Canaan. As Paul tells us in Hebrews, we need to be diligent to enter into that rest today.
The Bible is full of types that point to Christ. Jesus Christ is the reality of the Sabbath. Only Jesus Christ can truly satisfy man and cause man to rest in God’s accomplishments.
Jesus Christ is the reality of Sabbath. This means that the church is also the reality of the sabbath because the church is the increase of Christ. As in Christ, in the church we have true rest and satisfaction!