In these series we will explore a cycle that John describes of the Christian life in his first epistle, First John. This cycle is formed of four crucial items: Life, fellowship, light, and the blood of Jesus. Just as car moves by the turning of its wheels, so also does a believer grow in the Christian life by going through this cycle. Sometimes a cycle may seem like an unproductive rut, but, as we will see in this series, it’s more like an ever ascending helix, a productive spiral of dynamic repeating experiences.
The first item in this cycle is Life. In the Bible there are three words for the english word ‘life.’ Firstly, there is bios, which is the root of the word biology. It refers to physical life as biology refers to the study of physical life. Secondly, psuche, which is the root of the word psychology. It refers to the study of the soul life. The last is zoe. The authors of the Bible used this word exclusively to refer to the divine life of God.
The second item in this cycle is fellowship. Fellowship happens in two directions, with God vertically and with His believers horizontally. This comes as we enjoy the life of God.
The third item in this cycle is light. This is the light of God that exposes who we are. Light comes from God directly but also from one another as we fellowship.
The fourth item in this cycle is blood. This is the blood of Jesus Christ the Son of God which cleanses us from our sins and brings us back into the flow of the life of God completing the cycle.