In order to grow properly, there are many lessons we need to learn. Since God’s life is in us, we need to learn how to practice giving God the opportunity to grow in us. It’s not God’s desire that any of His children come short of His eternal purpose being fulfilled in them. Join us as we learn how to hit the bullseye of the Christian life.
There is only one true God in the universe. The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is a crucial life lesson for us to learn in our experience.
God’s desire for household salvation. He doesn’t want to just stop at our individual salvation. He wants to save everyone we’re related to.
If we want to grow in the Christian life, we must learn how to pray. The primary role of prayer is firstly to contact God and absorb Him.
We may know Christ, but this knowledge may be outward. Let’s go on and pursue an inward, subjective, experiential knowledge of Christ.
God has appointed a time and season for everything. Spiritually speaking, God allows us to pass through winter. He allows things in our life to wither and die so that He can bring us into a new season of enjoying Him in a new way.